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How can we stop school violence?

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By law, schools are required to report violent incidents and states are required to make that information public. Few states are following this mandate. In the aftermath of yet another agonizing, senseless school shooting, it’s impossible not to ask how can we prevent this from ever happening again.

How can we stop school violence?
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Tips to make school lunches healthier

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From the school board to the statehouse, the food served at school is the focus of debate.The statistics that started the food fights are familiar: One in five U.S. children is overweight, and increasing numbers of them are developing type 2 diabetes, an illness that used to be limited to adults.

Tips to make school lunches healthier
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Felicidades Clase 2015

 The Notre Dame School felicita a los bachilleres de la Clase 2015, agradeciéndoles a sus padres el habernos permitido
compartir la formación de sus hijos, nuevos líderes en la educación internacional, capacitados para aportar significativas
contribuciones a una sociedad altamente globalizada. La Clase 2015 del Colegio Notre Dame ha contado con alumnos, que según
sus profesores, se han destacado por su esfuerzo y dedicación en lograr la Excelencia Académica, llevándola con gran
responsabilidad y demostrada en cada asignación y evaluación. Un grupo de alumnos Entusiastas, Unidos, Solidarios y
Comprometidos al servicio de la Comunidad a través de la comunicación e investigación.


Johnson & Wales; Hult University; Harding University (Walton Scholarship); Community College of Denver; Santa Fe College;
Kansas State Univ.; Drake Univ.; Tampa Univ.; Florida Institute of Technology; Universidad Anahuac, Cancun; Florida International Univ.; Calvin College; Inst. Tec. De Monterrey; UAM, Nicaragua; Kaiser Univ.; ULACIT, Costa Rica; Universidad Latina, Costa Rica;
Escuela de Medicina en el nuevo Hospital Militar, Nicaragua, Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Santander, España. El 60 % de
nuestros bachilleres estudiaran en el extranjero, muchos de ellos con becas y ayudas financieras que oscilan entre el 50% y el 100%.

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Firman Convenio de Colaboración con Universidad Europea del Atlántico

El Colegio Notre Dame ha firmado un Convenio de Colaboración con la Universidad Europea del Atlántico con sede en España, el cual consiste en otorgar a nuestros estudiantes una beca académica del 100% valorada en 6,000€ para los estudiantes interesados en aplicar a la carrera de Ingeniería en Computación. De igual forma, este convenio permite otorgar 1,000€ a los estudiantes que deseen aplicar a cualquier otra carrera universitaria.

La Universidad Europea del Atlántico es una institución académica de educación superior que ofrece a sus alumnos una formación integral basada en la excelencia y comprometida con las personas.

The Notre Dame School como colegio del mundo, continuará trabajando para seguir fortaleciendo el bienestar educativo de nuestros estudiantes.

Arielle Hunter Directora Académica junto al Dr. Roberto Ruiz Representante de la Universidad Europea del Atlántico.

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IB Diploma Program FAQ

Q: Will the IB Diploma help me get into College/University?
A: Yes. IB Diploma Program is widely (U.S.A, Canada, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and more) recognized as a valuable preparation for college and beyond.  Many colleges give additional recognition to IB Diploma holders in the form of credits and scholarships. 
Q: Do students receive an ND and MINED Diploma as well? 
A: Yes. After successfully completing all requirements of the IB organization, IB Diploma Program students will have earned an IB Diploma and after successfully completing all Notre Dame requirements, IB students will also have earned a diploma. We have structured our course of study to allow students to pursue all three diplomas successfully within the traditional high school experience.
Q: Will I have to pay more on my monthly fees?
A: No, as part of our academic growth ND wants this program to be part of our curriculum and no extra charges will be sent to parents on their regular fees.
Q: How will it differ if I choose not to be part of the IB Assessment at ND?
A: We have modified our curriculum to be in line with the IB requirements, if a student and parents
choose not to make the fee payment for the IBO; this won’t affect our students in anything. However
they will only receive two diplomas, ND and MINED Diploma.
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Primary Years Program

This month we have a number of very important events in the Primary Years Program. Before explaining them we would like to congratulate our students for the Gala exhibition! A the Gala Exhibition or International Showcase is a new initiative in which students from all preschool and primary explained all the important facts about the country they represented. Also  last month, PYP students had their science fair and primary unit exhibitions, which showed all about the trans-disciplinary theme “How the world works.” Looking at April, we are now entering to our last units of inquiry and ready to have our annual spelling bee contest April 16th. Our last day of classes for primary and our final exhibition on the trans-disciplinary theme “Where we are in place and time will be Friday June 5th, 2015 .

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The ND’s Parent Association

We are proud to announce the initiative of the formation of the The Notre Dame Parent Association. Made of four committees, the association aims to support parent involvement in the growth and development of Notre Dame as an educational community. If interested in being a part of the association please contact the committee leaders at the below emails or contact Mahana Lugo ( for more information.
The Notre Dame Parent Association Committees:


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Second grade: What your child should know

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The purpose of this segment is to help connect what is known about students’ cognitive development with what you want them to understand about science concepts and the nature of science. Use this brief description, combined with your knowledge of your students, to guide you in making instructional decisions appropriate for your grade level.

Second grade: What your child should know
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The Art of Managing Middle School Students

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Squirrels. That is what they remind me of. We were all that age once and we were all just like squirrels! Have you ever watched a squirrel? Zoom, freeze for two seconds, flick tail, and repeat. The trick for being a successful middle school teacher is holding their attention for more than just those few seconds. Believing that that is possible requires a huge leap of faith and trust.

ndwebadminThe Art of Managing Middle School Students
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